Fakultät für Human- und Sozialwissenschaften

Dr. Isabel Maria Habicht

Akademische Rätin


Isabel M. Habicht is a social scientist at the University of Wuppertal (Akademische Rätin für quantitative Methoden). Her research interests lie in the field of gender inequality and work-family dynamics. She completed her PhD at the University of Wuppertal in 2022, where she studied gender differences in academic career tracks. Her current research focuses on the intersection of labor market structures and family decisions, with a particular emphasis on work-family trade-offs in parental leave decisions. Further information: Personal Website.

In the 2024/2025 academic year, Isabel M. Habicht is a JFK Memorial Fellow at the Center for European Studies (CES) at Harvard University. At CES, Isabel M. Habicht investigates social norms across countries with varying family policies, labor market structures, and work-family reconciliation practices. Her primary research question is: “How do policy regimes foster (wo)men’s work-family preferences as reflected in parental leave decisions?”. In addressing this research question, she aims to explore the interplay between individual behavior, family dynamics, historical shifts, and policies addressing gender inequality in contemporary societies.

Research interests: Quantitative methods, empirical research, labor market sociology, higher education research, academic career tracks, gender inequality, work and family dynamics

On leave in 2024/2025 - no office hours and appointments.

Student advisor for sociology and social sciences: studberatsoz[at]uni-wuppertal.de

Studienfachberatung Soziologie und Sozialwissenschaften: studberatsoz[at]uni-wuppertal.de