Organizational Sociology

Dr. Steffi Heinecke currently works at the Max-Planck-Society, where she is responsible for the Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence in Central and Eastern Europe:

Titel of PhD Dissertation: Exploring the Post-Socialist Research Landscape: Processes of Institutional Change in the Polish Public Science System after 1989.


PhD commission:

Prof. Dr. Doris Bühler-Niederberger

Prof. Dr. Thomas Heinze (referee)

Prof. Dr. Mark Lutter (chair, referee)

Prof. Dr. Cyrus Mody, University of Maastricht (external referee).


Oral exam: 3.11.2017

PhD grade: summa cum laude

The following articles are part of Steffi's cumulative PhD dissertation:

Heinecke, S., Heinze, T. (2019): A “Dinosaur Doomed to Extinction”? The Polish Academy of Sciences in the Post-Socialist Era. Problems of Post-Communism 66: 122-132.

Heinecke, S. (2018): On The Route Towards Renewal? The Polish Academy Of Sciences In Post-Socialist Context. Science and Public Policy 45: 246-256.

Heinecke, S. (2016): The Gradual Transformation of the Polish Public Science System. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153260.


Photos after successful oral examination (November 2017):