Organizational Sociology

Dr. Sabrina Petersohn works at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (Berlin). She can be contacted at

Title of PhD Dissertation: Leistungsbewertung der Wissenschaft im Wandel: Eine professionssoziologische Analyse der Anbieter bibliometrischer Dienstleistungen im neuen Expertenfeld der quantitativen Forschungsevaluation.


PhD commission:

Prof. Dr. Doris Bühler-Niederberger

Prof. Dr. Thomas Heinze (referee)

Prof. Dr. Mark Lutter (chair, referee)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kuhlmann, University of Twente (external referee).


Oral exam: 9.7.2018

PhD grade: summa cum laude

The following articles are part of Sabrina's cumulative PhD thesis:

Petersohn, S., Heinze, T. (2018): Professionalization of bibliometric research assessment. Insights from the history of the Leiden Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS). Science and Public Policy 45: 565–578.

Cox, A., Gadd, E., Petersohn, S., Sbaffi, L. (2017). Competencies for Bibliometrics. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science

Petersohn, S. (2016). Professional competencies and jurisdictional claims in evaluative bibliometrics: The educational mandate of academic librarians. Education for Information 32(2): 165-193

Photos after successful oral examination (July 2018):